One of the best ways to cut down on car insurance premiums is to opt for direct auto insurance rather than buy through an agent or broker. Aside from the actual cost of an insurance policy, car owners are also paying for the commissions given by insurers to their respective agents. Going directly to the insurer eliminates the need for a middleman, which merely drives up costs of auto insurance.
The Internet is the most cost-effective way to compare quotes and coverage from multiple insurers. By going online and getting a direct auto insurance quote, car owners can easily choose which insurer has the right product that suits their needs. Though many of sites are run by insurance brokers, there are also a number of companies that directly provide such online quotes. Direct auto insurance has become more convenient with the advent of online quote platforms. With online quotes, even insurance companies themselves save on costs since there is less need for in-house agents to process and review applications.
Other Ways to Lower car insurance Premiums
Aside from direct auto insurance purchases, car owners can save on auto insurance by negotiating for better rates based on the following factors:
* Driving and payment history. Drivers with no history of traffic violations or reckless driving warrant lower premiums. Also remember that your present insurance rate could increase if you let your insurance lapse for years.
* Age. Younger drivers or those below 25 usually get higher insurance rates since they have less driving experience and are more likely to experience accidents than older or more experienced drivers.
* Car model. Insurance premiums are also determined by the purchase price of the car and costs of maintenance and repair. Moreover, expect higher premiums if your car is among models that are most frequently stolen.
* Location. Rate of vehicular accidents, car theft, lawsuits, car repair, and medical costs in the location of the insurance buyer are also taken into account when calculating premiums.
* Distance traveled per year. Insurers charge higher premiums on cars that travel longer distances annually. Expect lower premiums if your annual mileage is less than 10,000. Lower mileage means a lower of theft and accidents, thus translating to lower premiums.
* Type and amount of coverage. Larger coverage means higher premiums, though discounts may be available to some candidates depending on the number of vehicles to be insured and deductibles.
* Equipping cars with anti-theft devices. Buying anti-theft devices is worth your money as car insurers generally lower premiums in exchange for any precaution that minimizes risk of theft.
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Its true that a direct auto insurance policy can help one to save a good amount as it reduces the money that an agent or broker charges as commission. Also its very easy to obtain a policy these days because of internet. Thanks for posting all these additional factors that will help to save some more.
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